Welcome to Connected Manager Learning Program!

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Capgemini University, in collaboration with regional L&D and HR teams across the Group, are proud to welcome all grade C & D employees to this transformative learning program!

The Connected Manager program is part of a global transformation initiative aimed at improving the employee experience within Capgemini through an evolution of our managerial mindset, practice and behaviors. 

This program provides a unique opportunity for our middle managers to sharpen their leadership skills, acquire best managerial practices and apply them to new ways of working.

Why a new leadership program for our managers?

Find out more about this unique program and what it means to us all at Capgemini. Watch this video which demonstrates what being a 'Connected Manager' is.

Your journey to become a Connected Manager starts here!

This program is an opportunity for you to reinvent your management style, shift your mindset and improve the employee experience.

You will learn how to engage with your teams with increased connection and effectiveness by using the Capgemini 3P model.

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